A World Without Language Barriers

An earpiece that Translates Languages.


What languages will be supported?
We are first introducing latin/romance languages this summer (English, Spanish, French, Italian, etc), however additional languages will be available very soon after, including East Asian, Hindi, Semitic, Arabic, Slavic, African, etc.


How does it work?
The first generation works only when you are speaking to someone who also has an earpiece. That is why the package comes with two earpieces. Future generations of the earpiece will be updated to listen to EVERYTHING happening around you, not just the person you are talking to.

What if the other person doesn’t have an earpiece?
The app can be used on their phone, but of course, the whole purpose of an earpiece is to have the face-to-face interaction without having to use a phone like a zombie!


Does it work offline?
Yes it is designed to work offline for overseas use.

By Cara Campbell

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