General Travel Tips

This time of year is such a popular time for everyone to travel that it is worth re-iterating the basic tips that we all already know, but may need to be reminded of over the next few weeks.

Allow plenty of time to get to the airport for checking in. Sounds obvious, but how often am I at the airport and see people standing in those massively long queues, huffing and puffing, getting more anxious by the minute as their flight boarding time comes closer? These days it is also a great idea, especially when travelling domestically, to use the online check-in systems. This allows you to print your boarding pass at home before you leave and then all you have to do at the airport is drop your checked-in bags off and breeze through to the departure gate. Better to have time for a coffee, or cheeky bevvie in the airport lounge than to be stressed out before your holiday even starts.

Travelling with children is always a challenge, but made easier by the array of gadgets that are available to help keep them amused and occupied these days. But remember to pack their earphones for ant appliances they may be going to use. While some people don’t mind flying long distances with background noise of Super Mario or something similar for hours on end, others do. So for the comfort of all passengers, earphones are always a blessing. 

By Natasha Pirone

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