Monet in Paris Brisbane August 2023

Thanks to MTA and due to the curtosy of Viking who sponser this moving exhibition I went to Monet in Paris in Brisbane. This exhibition featured artworkd projected on an enormous scale by forty projectors, resulting in one of the most exciting multi-screen environments in the world.
On arrival at the purpose built marquise in Hamilton, I entered the cafe and still exhibition which paid homage to Claude Monet and other Impressionist painters. From here I walked over the green lifesize bridge and waterlily pond which was replocated from Monet's garden in Giverny, into another room loaded with flowers. Then I entered the gallery itself where breathtaking paintings and photos are projected on a huge scale, illuminating the bold brush strokes of Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Camille Pissarro, Paul Cezanne, Edgar Degas, Henri Toulouse Laotrec and many more Impressionist painters. Music played as you sat and admired the constantly changing surroundings.
The entire experience took over an hour after which followed a privately hosted fresh smorgasbord and a sip and paint class.
We were instructed over 2 hours to paint Monet's Waterlilies. Everyone's painting looked great though all quite different. I have photos of my generous hosts art work as I want to see improvement after the Adelaide veiwing.
All in all it was a fabulous experience. Thank you.