Travel Checklist

A travel checklist is really important if you want a hassle-free travel experience. Paying attention to these simple details could save you a lot of grief.

1.Check that you have the relevant applicable visas to the countries you are travelling to,         including transit visas, if required.

2. Check that you have the necessary vaccinations and medication for your trip.

3. Check that your passport has a minimum validity of 6 months for international travel.

4. Check that you have Travel Insurance, and ensure that your cover is relevant to your trip. Sufficient cover is advisable to avoid any surprises. Please take some time to read the Product Disclaimer Statement of the product you purchase.

5. Know the customs and immigration laws of the country you are visiting and abide by them.

6. Check to ensure that you have your 24/7 support numbers to contact in case of an emergency. Your dedicated travel agent would have sent you all those details with your Itinerary.

7. Check the latest travel advice for your destination on the Smart Traveller website and subscribe to receive a free email notification each time the travel advice for your destination is updated (

8. Check your Itinerary to ensure names are as per passport. Also confirm that all travel dates, times, baggage allowance, frequent flyer number/s and traveller preferences/requirements (meals, seat allocation, special requests) are correct and as per your requirement. Should anything seem unclear or incorrect, please contact your dedicated Travel Expert to discuss.

By Premila Dawson

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