How can a Travel Agent add value you can't get online?

Nobody knows what the future holds, especially in the travel industry, which is constantly evolving to keep up with consumer and technology trends.

The role of travel agents is becoming increasingly competitive in today's world. With the increasing presence of online travel agents, why would anyone want to book through a travel agent? You constantly hear " why would I book through you when I can get the same price or slightly cheaper, booking it online"?

Well, the consumer is absolutely right. Why would consumers book with an agent? What is there that is so special that an agent can offer, that an online booking engine can't? Why would they use a third party when they can do it all themselves online?

Here are the advantages of using a travel agent:

1. Travel agents have the ability to simplify the booking process. A multi-sector booking with various internal sectors within a country can get complexed and you may end up paying more. Whereas if you book with an agent, for example South America, agents have access to Air passes that could get you internally around South America on a better rate than you would find online.

2. Travel agents are experts in their trade/field. They have suppliers at their beck and call when there is a pressing issue.

3. 24/7 support and a dedicated agent to respond to all enquiries. One point of contact, and the job is done. If you book online, you will have to spend valuable time, just waiting for an online agent to answer your call. You also don't get a dedicated agent to look after you. Each call is a new person and you will find yourself repeating yourself.

4. Global connections with the right people to get your enquiries looked into, something you don't get when you book online. Travel agents have the direct contacts of suppliers who can assist with any issues with a booking.

5. Fantastic buying power. Travel agents have special/private fares that you cannot purchase online. This deal only applies when you engage a travel agent.

6. Travel agents build relationships with you. The next time you have to travel on business or leisure, you know that all you need to do is call your travel agent.

7. Travel agents are accredited (example IATA accredited).

8. Personalised service - you are guaranteed the highest standard of professional service at all times. Travel agents tailor-make trips and not just bulk book.

9. Convenience - Travel agents work to your schedule. you pick your date and time for a call .

A travel experience starts when you begin the booking process. It's not just a transaction. It's a relationship that is nurtured, based on trust, mutual respect and integrity.

- Words courtesy of Michael McQueen-

By Premila Dawson

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