Tips to doze off Mid Air

Ever sat through a long haul flight and flicked channels on the remote, going through a few movies and still not being able to sleep?

Well, perhaps then, you are in the same boat as me. I could never sleep on a flight, but over the years, I have learnt to adopt a few basic tips that have helped me through recent years.

When planning a long haul flight, try getting on a red-eye flight or a night-time flight. Don't sleep or nap during the day, so that by the time you board, you are exhausted and can slip into relaxation mode, preparing you for a good rest,

Drink lots of water before the flight to keep hydrated. It can be rather an inconvenient drinking too much whilst on the plane, as you may need to get up and take frequent toilet breaks. Hence why drinking before the flight, has helped me.

If you have a long haul with a stop, then try and sleep on one leg of the trip. A window seat works great for me when I have planned to sleep. But of course, if you need to frequently use the lavatories, it's best to stick to an aisle seat.

The most important thing, would be to dress comfortably when on a night plane, as close to what you would be dressed in when you get to bed at home? Of course, having said that, I don't think we would rock up in a pair of pyjamas. But you can always pack one in your hand luggage and lip into them when you are in the plane. A warm blanket and a pair of socks to keep your feet warm will do the trick to prepare you for bedtime.

Avoid alcohol and caffeine. These will definitely keep you up. Slip on your eye mask and push the "Do Not Disturb" button if you have one, or let the crew know that you are off to sleep and do not want to be disturbed.

Trust me this has worked for me in recent years. I wake up fresh and ready for my new day in a new country.

Try it sometime!

By Premila Dawson

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