Register with Smartraveller before you travel

Before you travel, it's always advisable to register with Smartraveller. When you are subscribed to Smartraveller, you receive the most updated information on the destination you are travelling to.

You can choose what information you want to receive updates on, for example, if you want to know anything related to security of the city or country you are visiting, or weather etc. You can also set an expiry date to the notification you receive, for example, the date you return to Australia. You can also unsubscribe at any time.

Following Smartraveller on Twitter or Facebook is another way to stay up to date while you are travelling. You can download the free smart traveller app from your play store.

Make sure you register with Smartraveller online before you travel, to make it easier to contact you in case of an emergency, whether it's a natural disaster, civil disturbance or family issue. The registration information you provide online is protected by Australia's privacy laws.

Smartraveller also provides you with a checklist before travel. Important information like Travel Insurance, getting the right cover and protecting yourself, organising your passports and visas, taking the necessary vaccinations for particular destinations, like Africa for example. It also prompts you to check when you are dual nationality passport holders, the important factors you need to look into. 

Subscribe today to Smartraveller and receive the useful information you need for your trip.
Click here for more information.

By Premila Dawson

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Your MTA Travel Expert