Tips to stay healthy while travelling

Travelling is amazing and fun loving. We tend to let our guard down, in the health and wellness side of things when we are on vacation. I am guilty of it too!

Here are some useful tips as to how you can stay healthy while on the road:

1. Have plenty of sleep - Sleep is ever so important when we are on the road, as we are physically and mentally exhausted from being on the go all day. Listen to your body. 

2. Have a well planned, paced out itinerary - You can't see Rome in a day, right? So spread out your plans, maybe do 1 adventure a day? Or if you are in a big city and there are lots of activities to do there, pick the top few or have a longer period of stay there so that you could actually enjoy your time. This is where you need to let your Travel Adviser know what is it that matters most to you, is it seeing everything in such a short time? Or just picking out the best of the lot.

3. Have time to do some basic stretches or exercise - Stretching can go a long way. You would be surprised how much more energy you would get out of some exercise just before you leave your hotel room. Perhaps go to the hotel gym, or go for a short walk before you start the day. Stretch your arms, legs, neck, shoulders, and back – you’ll feel so refreshed. It’s easy to sneak in, a simple neck and shoulder stretch throughout the day while you’re waiting for your food, the bathroom, transportation, etc.  I also stretch right before bedtime because it relaxes my muscles and gives me a better night sleep. 

4. Eat breakfast - Being the most important meal of the day, don't skip it or sleep through it. Yes, you are on vacation, but if you sleep through breakfast then your whole system will be upset. Eating a full breakfast and then heading out would probably give you more energy as well. 

5. Hydrate yourself - Drink lots of water. Keep a bottle handy and keep drinking.

6. Reduce intake of alcohol and sweet drinks - Alcohol and non-alcoholic sweet drinks are packed with calories. Keep your calorie count and sugar intake lower by drinking water instead. Not to mention, alcohol also disrupts your sleep. Of course, you’re away from work and want to enjoy a drink or two on your vacation; yes, that’s fine – the key here is to consume in moderation.

7. Pick healthier options when you dine out - Eat veggies when you can!  Pick healthier options when dining out. Choose a vegetarian dish or add a salad to balance your meal. You can also buy your own veggies or ready-made salad from the grocery store

8. Make your own meals - If you are in a self-contained apartment, you have the privilege of prepping your own meals, so that you know what goes into them.

Of course, you didn’t come halfway around the world to eat your own cooking. BUT if you’re going on a somewhat long trip or want to eat well, this is definitely not a bad idea as eating out every day may not be the healthiest. Shop for ingredients at the grocery store. It’s also fun to check out the local produce. No kitchen? No problem. Ask the hotel staff for plates and utensils. You can easily make sandwiches and salads without a kitchen. Enjoy a nice picnic in a park!      

9. Protect your skin - Protect your skin from being outdoors by wearing sunscreen with a minimum SPF 15. Reapply every two hours if you can. If you’re visiting an area with a large population of mosquitoes and insects, be sure to wear insect repellent to prevent bites.

*Handy tips by Roger Wellington A.K.A The Doob*

By Premila Dawson

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