Why I do what I do?

I have been in the Travel Industry for more than 20 years and it took me this long to want to do something independently. 

I felt compelled to do something different something out of the ordinary, something that resonates with me as a person, something that could help people when they are in need of help. But the big question was, "what is it besides travel that I know?"

WHY did I finally take the leap? Here's why:


  • I wanted to be the "go to person", the trusted person, that my clients could depend on when they are hit with some difficulties whilst travelling.
  • I wanted to build a relationship with my clients, building trust and respect. 
  • I wanted to build a reputation with my clients that was beyond, just another transaction.
  • I wanted to be able to empower myself to make decisions, that would help my clients get their issue sorted, even if it were a financial loss to me.


We all know that every service comes with a price. However, if I can add value to that price, am sure I can justify myself and the vast majority to work with me, as I have just one main interest above it all - TO BE THEIR GO TO PERSON, FROM THE START TO THE END AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN.

I wanted to be able to solve my clients' problems when they face a problem whilst on a trip. I wanted to be able to go beyond the call of duty and do everything in my power to help them, even if it means, working out of my work hours.

I wanted sole empowerment to be able to make financial decisions, without having red tape stop me from doing what's right for my clients.

To me, it was all about servicing my clients. I have often been told in the past that i "OVER SERVICE" my clients. Is there actually such a thing? Isn't that what a service provider is supposed to be doing in the first place? This is why I wanted to create and build my own business and it's why I started my research.

I wanted to give my clients a personal touch of my passion for travel, something you can't find on the internet, to be able to offer them professional advice and service, based on the diverse needs and personalities of each client.

I then researched companies that could model my dreams. The research started a year and a half back, and I finally decided that MTA - Mobile Travel Agents was going to be my platform to showcase my dreams. I realised that if I don't start somewhere, I will never be able to live my purpose in life - TO HELP OTHERS EXPERIENCE LIFE IN THE FORM OF TRAVEL.

I took a leap of faith 6 months ago. I am an affiliate member of MTA - Mobile Travel Agents and they have provided me with the best platform and model to help me focus on my dreams. I have MTA to thank for helping me realise that I can do this in my time, at my pace and my way.

I have finally found my purpose in travel. It's not just about selling packages, drawing up business contracts or signing an agreement, it's about building a relationship, servicing my clients regardless of how big or small their business. It's about creating a cinematic experience for all my clients alike.

Never settle, I never settled - I took that leap of faith in February 2018 and I have never looked back. The satisfaction I get when my clients are happy and satisfied is just out of this world.

By Premila Dawson

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