Providing a cinematic experience for my clients

Have you ever wondered why people still spend billions of dollars at the cinema each year when they could stay home and watch the same movie on Netflix or a DVD?

The answer is because of the experience the cinemas offer. It's unique and that’s what we still want. We want the choc tops, popcorn, plush seats, surround sound and to anticipate the experience and walk away feeling fulfilled.

So why is it that we are fearful of the “I’ll just book it myself.” statements. The cinemas didn’t roll over and walk away when customers said: “I’ll just rent a DVD”. Instead, they focussed on what they offered that their competition couldn’t.

It’s now my turn to change the way the travelling consumers value the experience I offer.

If I really want my valued clients to not only be my repeat clients, but those that refer many others to me, then I need to give them the IMAX experience.

Being a part of the MTA family already put me in an advantageous position. Head office already provides me with the popcorns, choc tops and access to the latest movies. Things like Virtuoso, On sites, Cruise Co, Companion Travel App, access to Global Fares, a 400-strong network, 40+ head office staff behind us a 100% and more.

What I can do to add further value, is the plush seating, surround sound and anticipation of the event. The anticipation is what can then be shared with others you know and meet on holidays so my value to them needs to be part of my transaction.

My valued clients trust me because they know I have access to all the latest and greatest offers they can't find. Together with my experience and knowledge, this enables me to present the very best travel plan that is unique to their needs and dreams.

I do all this because this is what I do. It's my business and I care.

By Premila Dawson

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Your MTA Travel Expert