Tips On What To Pack

There’s one thing I am terrible at when it comes to travelling and that of course is the inevitable packing. I hate it almost as much as unpacking. If only I had a personal assistant who could do it all for me, but alas that’s not the case. So I thought I would think about tips I have picked up from all my years of globetrotting and jot down a few that may come in handy. Of course this is not a comprehensive list by any means but it may help you with your own packing, and of course, as usual I always welcome additional comments on tips you may have too!

I’ve found if you go away and dress like a tourist, then be prepared to be treated like one. Forget backpacks and bum bags... these scream “rob me” and are easy for pickpockets and thieves to get to. Dress in an unassuming manner, as the locals do, that way at a glance you will blend in. Use a body pouch to store excess cash, you know, one of those that strap on under your clothes, and don’t wear your treasured jewels. I always take costume jewellery away so if I lose it or it gets stolen I’m not overly fussed.

According to The Society of American Travel,  the top 10 things to pack are...       

1. Comfortable walking shoes

2. Photocopy of your passport (as well as the original)

3. Sealable plastic bags

4. Medication for diarrhoea and stomach upsets

5. Photocopy of any prescriptions (including glasses)

6. Swiss Army Knife

7. Flashlight

8. Extra batteries for flashlight and camera

9. Address book

10. Photocopy of any credit cards you will be taking. (It’s always a good idea to scan these as well and keep them on a web account... actually I think this is better than bringing extra paper with you and you can access it anywhere there is a computer).

Clothing wise, I always find it easier to roll my clothes as it takes up less space and also saves things getting creased. I like to lay out my clothes on the bed so I can do a mix and match. Take one pair of pants but pick a couple of different tops to go with it etc. This way you can have different looks without having a totally new outfit each night. Some people like to pack their clothes in ziplock bags, for instance all your undies in one bag, tops in another etc. That way if you want one thing you don’t have to rummage through your whole bag to find it, but personally that’s too organised for me!

On a whole, depending on the length of your trip I would assume you can do some washing along the way so only pack what you absolutely need. It’s a good idea to pack a block of washing soap for this purpose. We always do a load of washing just before we get home so we don’t get stuck with a heap of smelly, stuffy laundry and can unpack from the suitcase directly into our cupboards.

Below is a list of things you may consider packing. Of course depending on the length of your trip or specific needs (e.g. skiing) this may vary, but it is a start.  Remember the mix and match mantra.

  • 2  pairs of shorts/skirts/cargoes etc.
  • 1 medium think jumper or long sleeved top
  • 1 pair of jeans 2 or 3 t-shirts (they can double as sleepwear)
  • 1 pair of swimmers
  • 2 pair Socks (if you have closed in shoes)  
  • Underwear (enough for half of your stay, you can wash them for the second wear) 
  • 2 casual shirts that are a bit dressier for going out
  • Slacks 1 pair for the fellas if you intend going out
  • 1 collared shirt or Summer dresses dress (depending on if you are male or female)  

In all cases I prefer wash and wear clothing that doesn’t require ironing. Summer dresses that are a crinkle fabric are great for this reason and they pack down to nothing. A light shawl is a great alternative to a jacket and does not take up weight or space. I am a sandal girl so like to take a nice pair of flats to wear for sightseeing that can double as my night-time shoes.  

Another way to save on baggage is to take travel versions of your toiletries. I find the sample packs of face creams, shampoos, conditioners are great as you open the sachet, use them then discard the rubbish. Avon samples are perfect for this! With makeup take one of those travel palettes (I have one from Chanel) that has your eyeshadows, blush, eyeliner, mascara and lippy all in one small case. If you are staying in hotels you know they always supply the basics so I only take a conditioner in this instance as I know the shampoo should be ok.

Similarly for us girlies with our fashion accessories. Take a few key pieces that will go with a variety of outfits. Silk scarves are great as they are no weight, no room and instantly glam up any outfit. Keep shoes to a minimum. A neutral pair that will go with everything is the way to go and a comfy pair for walking. 

That’s it!        

By Sandy Sirianni

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