Healthy Travel Tips

I have alot of people asking me about travel tips when trying to stay healthy overseas, whether its to ease bloating, reduce swelling in your legs, stomach upsets, trying to stay fit or exercising.
So I thought I would put a small blog together based on some HEALTHY TRAVEL TIPS
- Keep Hydrated. Altitude can effect your body in alot of different ways for different people. The number one thing that I have noticed helps ALOT is drinking ALOT of water. Drink alot before you get on the plane and alot while you are flying. Yes this means more visits to the terrible plane loos, BUT you will feel better for it at the other end. I have found it also helps with jetlag by keeping more fluids going through you body than you would normally drink (alcohol is not included). Keep hydrated throughout your journey - especially if you are travelling to a more humid, higher temperature country. You can almost double the intake. Also remember bottled water is best when travelling.
- Warm Lemon Water. You will be able to get lemons from most countries - go and grab some lemons and keep them in your room and have your lemon water when ever you can. This helps cleanse the gut and also can help your skin
- Fennell Tea. This will help with boating and gut health. If You suffer from bloating when you travel, which I know I do, your gut health will be out of whack too. If this is all out of whack, bloat, gas and cramps are what you will expect. You can pick this up at any health food store. I suggest getting this before you depart and have a couple of cups of tea whilst you are flying.
- Cold Pressed Juices and Soups and bone broths. These are easy to digest and are good for your system. Be sure to google your destinations before you go to see where good health food stores are and healthy little cafes that stock either of the above.
- Do your research! Yes this means that you as the traveller have to do some sort of research about the destination you are travelling to. If you are wanting to stay on track with your health and feeling the best you can while exploring, then you should be looking at where the healthy cafes, restaurants and health food stores are.
- Gyms and walking/running tracks. You absolutely should keep up some sort of exercise while you are away. Not only will you feel better for it, but your body will thank you. See if your hotel has a gym or if it doesn’t, search for one close by. If you’re not into the gyms, find a good running/walking track that you can use that is safe. Normally hotels and resorts can help out with this one as well. Another option is to put a Exercise app on your phone that you can access anywhere around the world. Some of these only go for 15-20 minutes. This is all you need plus whatever else you do for the day.
- Compressions stockings. These are great and I use them a lot for swelling legs when I fly. Easy to get and they help alot.
- Don’t over eat or skip the dessert. I know this one is a given but you don’t have to have dessert every single night! If you want to feel good when you get home, you have to look after yourself while you are away.
- Walking. If you are transiting through airports, don’t just go and sit-down and wait! 90% of airports are very big. Do a few laps and walk as much as you can. You have enough sitting to do on that damn plane!
This is just a brief overview of what i have found works and has worked for other people while travelling. None of the above is expensive or ridiculous. If you want to feel good, you have to look after yourself, even though you are on holidays!