Tips - Fear of missing out? FOMO

Ok, so you panicked and booked what YOU thought was the last seat for the cheapest price!
I know those online sites scare you with 'Quick book NOW' only 2 seats left! Or 55 people are looking at this seat right now hurry! OMG! Suddenly you are left with FOMO!
Problem is you didn’t see that long long transit time until it was too late and you had already paid online with no backup. It’s called marketing and we all fall victim to it from time to time.
Hmmm, why didn’t you call me? More often than not we have the same deals but better connections.
Ok seriously if this happens to you, consider booking an airport lounge!
If you’re flying long-haul, pre-book yourself into an airport lounge. There’s an up-front fee, but it provides a quiet environment with complimentary drinks, food, magazines, newspapers, WiFi etc. When you leave the lounge, take a few big bottles of water. It’s a cost-effective and relaxing way to compensate for the long transits.
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