COVID-19 - Corona Virus 2020

As you are aware Covid-19 is having a major impact on some people’s travel arrangements. You can rest assured that as your travel advisor I am doing as much as I possibly can to assist you regarding your travel plans. It is going to take our joint efforts to ensure that you receive the best possible and most up to date information that you can, so that you can make informed decisions regarding your travel. Of course with so many changes in so many countries I am unable to keep abreast of the most current situation in all places at all times. As such I have listed a number of useful links below and would ask that you familiarise yourselves with the information on these sites to obtain the most up to date information. Working on this information together will maximise our collective knowledge and allow me to assist you with any decisions you make regarding your travel plans.
Thank you for your understanding and of course feel free to contact me in need.
List of useful sites:
CDC – Traveler’s Health
Australian Government Advice for International Travellers
CLIA Regulatory COVID-19
Virtuoso Cruise Partner's Coronavirus Responses -updated frequently
IATA International Travel News a list of restrictions by country, per airline
Coronavirus News. Stats, & Information updated frequently
Coronavirus Live Statistics including views by country