Save up to 10% off Car Hire in the United Kingdom, France & USA

From $79 per day*
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Book by 30 April and Save up to 10%
Book by 30th April 2024 and travel between 1 June and 30 September 2024 to save up to 10% off car hire in the United Kingdom, France and USA
- Los Angeles From $79 per day
- London from $89 per day
- Honolulu from $99 per day
- Paris from $105 per day
Other pick-up locations available, ask us today
More Information
Travel Dates
Valid for travel 01 Jun 2024 - until 30 Sep 2024.
Terms & Conditions
*Terms and conditions: New bookings only. Valid for collections: 01 June – 30 September 24. Subject to availability always. Offer is correct at time of publication and subject to change without notice. Prices displayed above are for seven (7) days of car hire between 1 July – 8 July 2024 at 'all locations' with Europcar and include unlimited kilometers. All prices are based on mini to compact vehicles and prices are displayed in Australian dollars. Bookings made via credit card will incur a surcharge of 0.9%. Cancellation policy: valid only for car hire bookings cancelled before collection. Supplier-levied fees and travel agent charges may apply. Further conditions may apply. For full terms and conditions, contact your MTA Travel Expert.
Important Notice
'Our MTA Collection’ is compiled from information provided to us by selected suppliers, and prices are indicative only. MTA cannot guarantee availability for your preferred travel dates or at the prices shown. Prices may differ to those displayed on this website at the time you make a booking.
Where we act as an agent, our quotes and itineraries will include a statement that advises you: i) we act as an Agent; and ii) That our Terms and Conditions are in addition to the Terms and Conditions of each Travel supplier listed on the quote/itinerary; and iii) That it is the Terms and Conditions of the Travel supplier that determine the terms of cancellation and refunds, if any. Please contact your MTA Travel Expert, who can provide you with current accurate information regarding, availability, applicable prices, fees, taxes and charges, and any other terms and conditions which may include blackout dates or seasonal surcharges.