
Incredible India

India had, quite honestly, never been on my wish list to visit, but when the opportunity arose to visit a very special friend, and take in the sights, sounds, and flavours of a brand new destination, I decided to follow my own rule - never veto a place until you have set foot in ...

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Destination Anywhere

Learn about the customs and culture of your destinations. Appreciate the differences, learn from them & most importantly, respect them.A few basic words in the local language go a long way. You don't have to be able to converse at length but everyone appreciates an effort (an...

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Western Canada

In my twenties, my sister and I travelled across America with a van of international students, a backpack and a tent. Budget and time denied us a detour north of the border so our odyssey was strictly an east-west affair, putting Canada out of reach and on my bucket list. Canada ...

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Your MTA Travel Expert