
How to make a bucket list

To many of us, we tend to make a bucket list only when we are hitting retirement, or are struck with a terminal illness.  Planning your bucket list need not be that daunting. It's a life plan, where you list all the things that you would like to do before you die. It could be fr...

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The wonders of Sri Lanka and it's Wildlife!

Discover a Surprisingly Diverse Island Nation Rich with Wildlife & Cultural Treasures. In Sri Lanka's diverse habitats, a trove of wildlife thrives. Cloud forests brim with colourful birds. Great blue whales, dolphins, orcas and sperm whales swim offshore. Herds of Asian ele...

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How can a Travel Agent add value you can't get online?

Nobody knows what the future holds, especially in the travel industry, which is constantly evolving to keep up with consumer and technology trends. The role of travel agents is becoming increasingly competitive in today's world. With the increasing presence of online travel agent...

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