
Travel Checklist

A travel checklist is really important if you want a hassle-free travel experience. Paying attention to these simple details could save you a lot of grief. 1.Check that you have the relevant applicable visas to the countries you are travelling to,         including transit v...

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How to Overcome Jet Lag

1. Prepare at home before departingThe best plan of attack is to adapt your body’s rhythm a few days before departure. When you fly east, try to go to sleep a couple hours earlier than usual. If you’re going west stay awake one or two extra hours. You should also be getting u...

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What do you love most about travelling?

You hear people talk about wanting to travel to exotic places, or engage in new adventurous travel or discover a new beach or a historical site in a particular city, and so on and so forth. People travel to new places to widen their scope of experiences, gain new acquaintances, l...

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Your MTA Travel Expert