Oahu - Hawaii January 2012

My family and I recently visited the magical island of Hawaii and we just loved it! There is something very magical and beguiling about Hawaii that makes every stay unforgettable. Something that makes you yearn for another visit the moment you leave. I try to put my finger on what it is exactly. Which ONE thing that makes it so special, that sets it apart from so many other holiday destinations. I enlist my favourite “clients” - my husband and kids to help me weigh this up and decide.
It might be the mellow sounds of the Ukulele, the melodic voices and seeing the Hula dancers whilst we sit at sunset, sipping Mai Tais. This would have to be a definite contender for the prize. My son’s vote would be the beaches. The panoramic stretch of Waikiki Beach, with Diamond Head frames like a picture postcard. It's pretty hard to beat. Maybe it's the gentle waves that propel tourists who have paid UD$15 to hire long boards to surf for 2 hours. My 16 year old is one of them. Perhaps it's that there is no danger for swimmers or surfers since there are no sharks - only the occasional Sea Turtle that pops up nonchalantly when least expected (freaking out adults and small children alike). Quite possibly it could be the delightfully warm water and powdery white sand! Whether it's one or more of these reasons - it’s always magical!
A trip to the North Shore Beaches on Oahu is a must, and so is a stop at one of the many shrimp vans selling freshly cooked shrimp, made to order. For UD$12 you can get 8 huge prawns, rice and salad - it’s great value. January on the North Shore attracts big surf and big surfing competitions. The “Eddie Akau” and “Pipeline” are the famous one. Just 2 days before the Pipeline competition, this photo was taken at Sunset Beach - proof that try as we may, we can’t control the weather, the wind and the waves.
This year we experienced the true beauty and diversity of Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii. We were surprised to learn that Kona is the sunniest city with the least rainfall in all of the USA, whilst ironically, Hilo (on the north-east coast of Big Island of Hawaii) is the wettest city in the USA. This speaks volumes of the sheer diversities and uniqueness of the Big Island. Naturally, Kona is the place to stay, and get married... so it turns out.
If there is one thing you must budget for on the Big Island it's a helicopter ride. You don’t get the perspective from the ground and the distances are HUGE - not ideal to tour by car, especially with kids. From the air, you can see the many volcanoes and a few that are still active. You can see the molten lava and the bright orange potholes in the lava tubes. You just never get to see anything like this - it's a wonderful experience. You can also see snow on the highest mountain in December/January. Another benefit of a helicopter ride is seeing the spectacular waterfalls and sheer canyons falling into the ocean, zig-zagging along the blackened sandy beaches. From November to March, you also get to see the many whales and their calves playing just off the reefs - it’s amazing.
My daughter (12) would want to vote that the shopping is fabulous! I agree. With the Hawaiian Tax around 4% one of the lowest in the USA, plus our Aussie dollar doing so well, everything is a bargain. The heady mix of shopping, sunshine, surfing creates a might appetite and Hawaii does not disappoint.
As for the food, gone are the days where you could only get burgers and fries with bright orange cheese! There are now so many healthy options and culinary choices available for all types. The meals are still generous in size though and service is always good - they really want your 15% tip!
With so many wonderful sightseeing activities available when visiting Hawaii I am sure you can see my dilemma - there is not ONE thing special about Hawaii – there are many. So, if you'd like to experience it for your self I say go for it. You won't be disappointed!
Where we stayed:
- Westin Moana Surfrider - Waikiki
- Waikiki Hilton Waikoloan Resort - Kona
- The Royal Hawaiian - Waikiki