General Tips & Advice

- Try and find that extra time to plan each trip carefully to ensure that everything is taken into account. I believe that drawing on a travel agents experience, knowledge and training in planning a trip is well worth the effort. Trying to fix some poor or rushed planning, especially when one is overseas, will be inconvenient, take even more time and invariably will cost additional money.
- Check passport validity and always ensure that valid visas have been issued. Remember that it is your responsibility to provide and check that the name of all travellers exactly matches the first, middle and last names as per your passports. Please also make sure all passports are valid for a minimum of six months from the date of arrival back into Australia.
- For travel to United States of America you must have a machine readable passport. The following information needs to be supplied when booking your holiday. The application takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and costs USD$14. It is valid for two years for holders of a valid passport
- Passport name, first, middle and last name.
- Passport issuing Country
- Passport Nationality
- Passport Numbers
- Date of Birth
- Passport Expiry Date
- International travellers who are seeking to travel to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) are now subject to enhanced security requirements and will be required to pay an administrative fee. All eligible travellers who wish to travel to the U.S. under the Visa Waiver Program must apply for authorization and then pay the fee using the process on the following website.
- It is essential that travel insurance relevant to your travel is taken out (ski cover is additional if one is going skiing). Requiring medical attention while overseas without any travel insurance is a guaranteed disaster.
- Check if there are any vaccination requirements. Some areas of the world have special vaccination and health requirements. We recommend that you contact your nearest travel health specialist.
- Baggage has become very tricky with varying weight limits, different pricing and restrictions now in effect across the different airlines. My advice is to check the baggage limits and costs carefully and have it all prepaid prior to arriving at the airport.
- Be aware. One can never be too careful with regards to looking after your own safety, travel documents, luggage etc.
- Common sense, following and heeding all precautions is essential.
- Keep the wearing of jewellery and the carrying of valuables to an absolute minimum.